Charles T
After discovering that our young daughter had blood test results showing signs of possibly developing a future auto-immune disease, we started to take action. The first step was to go the traditional or standard route of visiting immunologists and other mainstream doctors. Although these doctors were helpful in some ways, the general response was that there wasn’t really anything that could be done until further down the road or until clear symptoms started to show up. Their approach was to focus on the symptoms rather than the cause, and so the idea was to basically just wait until the likely symptoms arrived and then to aggressively respond in a manner that would likely compromise the overall immune system. As we were not satisfied with these responses, we began to do some independent research regarding what might be the cause of our daughter’s problematic blood test results with the hope of reducing or eliminating the likelihood of her developing a future auto-immune disease. One of the areas that we began to focus on was her diet. This emphasis on diet, along with support from a naturopathic physician, did help in ways as we could tell she was responding positively in general; however, her blood test results were still not where they needed to be and this was unsettling and discouraging. It was at this difficult point that we finally discovered functional medicine and were blessed to find and be able to work with Dr. Aunna Herbst, a functional medicine specialist. It was with functional medicine, and Dr. Herbst in particular who is not only highly considerate but also incredibly knowledgeable, when things seriously began to improve for our daughter. Through Dr. Herbst’s medical expertise and functional medicine focus of addressing the causes related to our daughter’s situation, step-by-step approaches that targeted particular areas of our daughter’s health were focused on. In other words, after the first initial appointment that established an overall perspective, we would be prescribed a particular protocol followed by blood tests to check progress. Based on the results after each protocol, we would then be prescribed an updated protocol. Little by little, for the first time, we finally started to see our daughter’s blood test results improve and were absolutely thrilled. As our daughter’s results continue to improve on a regular basis, we are so grateful and owe so much to Dr. Herbst and her functional medicine approach. Thank you so much!